CBD Local

It’s all about the vibe

By Rhonda Dredge Independent operators are the lifeblood of the CBD as they wait and assess which way the economy is going. Elbert Estampador has set up a unique little business in La Trobe St designed to fit into a niche. He said he was staying but he’d gone onto a monthly renewal of his

Pets Corner

Frankie’s post-lockdown play

By Micaela Togher Frankie, who lives with Biagio in his West Melbourne home, is relishing her newfound freedom in sunny Flagstaff Gardens. “She loves walking, she goes for as long as I’m able to take her,” Biagio said, who adopted Frankie four years ago. Biagio is recuperating from a recent surgery that left him with

Street Art

New mural for Melbourne

By Adrian Doyle As the planet completes another rotation of the sun, and things really ramp up in 2021 I hope all readers had a fun and somewhat normal holiday.  Last year was interesting; it was a seriously good time for artists to lock themselves in their studio and create art in a COVID-induced stupor.

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